
Welcome to DBT-CPGSAS-CAU(Imphal)-Biotech Kisan Hub

The Central Agricultural University (Imphal) has presence in the 7 hilly states of NE India through its networking of constituent colleges. College of Post Graduate Studies in Agricultural Sciences (CPGSAS) is a constituent college located Umiam (Barapani), Meghalaya and is considered as one of the premier institutes of North East India imparting MSc and PhD degree programme in 9 different disciplines of Agricultural Sciences. The faculty members of the CPGSAS are highly competent and primarily involve in teaching, research and extension activities. Scientists of the institute are handling numbers of externally funded project of ICAR, DST, DBT, MoEF&C, MoA&FW, NABARD, MNCs etc.

Objectives of the project:

Objective 1: Imparting training to farmers of Meghalaya and Sikkim to spread knowledge and skill enhancement on value-added microbial biopesticides like UmTricho, UmBir, UmMet etc. and macrobials (Trichogrammatids, Chrysopids, Anthocorids, Chelonus blackburni, Predatory mites) for sustainable agriculture.

Objective 2: Demonstration on development of low-cost biopesticides of effective and proven Trichoderma harzianum, Beauveria bassiana, Metarhizium anisopliae based technologies like UmTricho, Puth-Tricho, UmBir, BKN114, UmMet, respectively and mass rearing of macrobials like Trichogrammatids, Chrysopids, Anthocorids, Chelonus blackburni, Predatory mites among farmers and their validation in field.

Objectives of the project

Team Members:

Team members

Area of Activity:

Area of Activity
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